Tips for Sellers
Occasionally things do not go as planned. Here are some annoying things that we will be here to help you through.
Regarding Showing Appointments
Appointments might be made and cancelled at the last minute.
There might be a day when we call to say someone wants to see your house, and when you ask when, we are going to say, “Pull your curtains back, they are sitting outside now!”
Go shopping or take a walk during showings. Our goal is to keep the buyer's in your house as long as possible and for them to comfortably share honest feedback with their agent.
Take fido, tabby or sammy the snake for a ride! Many buyers have aversions or are allergic to pets and pet odors.
Agents might miss scheduled appointments, and perhaps even not call or show up!
Some showings will last about 5 minutes and some may last three hours.
Agents might knock on your door, or even drive by and see you in the yard and ask to see your house. If this happens please call us!
Regarding Buyers
Expect low ball offers but please consider: at least it is a starting point!
Buyers will investigate you on your social media sites. We recommend “going dark” throughout the home buying and selling process.
The buyer could possibly negotiate 2-5 times on this transaction. They will negotiate the purchase price, then possibly after the inspection, after the appraisal, and after the final walk thru.
Your house might not appraise for the agreed upon purchase price.
The buyer may lose their job, or worse yet, quit their job during the mortgage process.