Shopping for a Home
Here are some general rules of thumb when shopping for a home.
Do not start looking for your new home before you are fully pre-approved. Nothing hurts as much as finding the house you love and losing it because someone else is more prepared than you.
Please tell us what is most important to you!
Be honest with us.
Disclose that you’re working with a buyer’s agent. If you are inquiring directly about a listing from a seller’s agent, this is information that should be immediately revealed.
Don’t believe what you see on HGTV, etc. The majority of those shows are scripted.
Don’t take advice from a buyer who has not purchased in the last year, the rules change almost daily.
Do not speak with sellers directly (loose lips sink ships).
Sellers will investigate you on your social media sites. We recommend “going dark” throughout the home buying and selling process.
Please tell us if you are very allergic to animals.
Please try not to call at the very last minute to cancel appointments.
Do not give away your negotiating power by speaking in the house.
Do not disparage a property in front of the owners.
Do not call another agent on a For Sale sign. Please call us. WE are here to represent your best interests.
Please tell the agent at an open house or new construction that you are working with us. They are representing the seller - we are representing you.
Do not wait to see everything on the market.
Please remember - it is possible to find what you are looking for the very first day you go out. This happens much more than you think!
Do not go home and sleep on it - in a hot market if you sleep on it you may not get to sleep in it!
Bring your tape measure and take notes. Please keep in mind after your contract is accepted the only opportunities to view the house again will be during inspection, but only if you are having one, and at final walk through the day before closing.
Don’t wait to find the absolute perfect house. You will always be limited by income, zoning, inventory, or property taxes.
Don’t forget the 80/10/10 Rule! If you find a house that has 80% of what you are looking for, 10% of things you can change and 10% of things you can live with, it’s a keeper!